Thursday, October 7, 2010

I'm sorry, you're just not my type.

I love everything about the interactive video-test created by the brilliant minds at global design firm Pentagram. I originally found "What Type Are You?" via one of my favorite bloggers, Bobby Solomon at   Kitsune Noir (which I check daily). I took the test and receiving the font Archer Hairline as my diagnosis, have come to the conclusion that this little quiz is extremely true and quite intuitive! I won't give too much away because I want you to see for yourselves, but I love the simplicity of the video, as well as the quirkiness of it. It's fairly short, as to not lose your interest, but long enough to make it feel as if you are actually being analyzed. I love the voice and accent of the psychiatrist character, and the background music, and of course the fonts themselves. Upon finishing the test, you can see how popular your given type is, as well as get a summary and history of the design of each type shown. It's definitely one of my favorite things on the internet right now. Enjoy!

Find out "What Type Are You?"
(couldn't embed this one either, sorry kids)